Thursday, 9 November 2017

Why Should You Choose Multiwall Polycarbonate Sheets?

As the name suggests, multiwall polycarbonates are those polycarbonate sheets that have multiple walls. Instead of a single layer, when the polycarbonate has two layers of sheets combined, it is known as Twinwall Polycarbonate; and when the layers are three or more, it is known as Multiwall Polycarbonate. These multiwall polycarbonates come in a variety of thicknesses. So, what is it that makes polycarbonate multiwallsheets better than any other transparent roofing material? Why should you choose multiwall polycarbonate sheets for your application? Here is your answer.

  • Multiwall polycarbonates are one of the most versatile polycarbonate sheets in the market. The multi-cellular hollow structure provides flexibility, while maintaining the strength of the sheet.
  • Multiwall polycarbonates come with multiple layers, making the material even more strong and unbreakable. Also, the more layers it has, the more insulation it can provide.
  • Multiwall polycarbonates can provide a minimum of 25% and maximum of 80% light transmission. To optimize optimum illumination with maximum comfort, these sheets allow light to enter at a significantly lower heat transmission level.
  • Another important consideration is that even with 4 or 5 layers of sheets combined together, it doesn't become heavy. It stays light in weight and can be handled and installed single-handedly.
  • Multiwall polycarbonates also provide excellent UV protection as compared to any other material because the multiple layers allow light to be diffused before entering the structure within, which provides a more even distribution of light and heat too. This particular property has made multiwall polycarbonates a popular choice for greenhouses and conservatories. This is because when hot and cool patches are reduced, and there is evenly distributed light coming indoors, it can help improve crop yield and leaf count, and can also prevent leaf burns and other plant injury.

Now, you may be determined enough to use multiwall polycarbonates for your structure. But, this material is available in a variety of thicknesses. So, shouldn’t you know what thickness is appropriate for your particular application? Do you need 4-5 layers, or 2-3 layers will do? Remember that with greater number of layers, the insulation will be better, but the costs with also be higher. Therefore, you must consider how much insulation you need because thicker multiwalls may be necessary or unnecessary depending upon the amount of additional heating required, especially during longer and colder winter seasons. Therefore, if you don't require much insulation, you needn’t opt for the costly higher layered options.

Whatever your requirement – double layered or multiple layered polycarbonates – Tuflite Polymers is who you must approach where you can get polycarbonate multiwall sheets that are manufactured from UV stabilized resin that ensures that the sheets meet the highest quality standards. Twinwall polycarbonate sheets are available between thicknesses of 4 to 10 mm, letting in up to 80% of light. Triple wall polycarbonates are available between 10 to 16 mm, allowing 75% of light transmission. And, four wall polycarbonates are available in 10 mm thickness, letting in 75% of light transmission too.

1 comment:

  1. With their durability, energy efficiency, and design flexibility, multiwall polycarbonate sheets are an excellent alternative to traditional materials like glass or acrylic for a wide range of applications. Very good information, I am dedicated to the installation of fiberglass roofing panels.
