Friday, 11 August 2017

All You Want To Know About ETFE Foil Cushions - Tuflite

ETFE foil roofs can be installed as a single layer supported by a cable net system, or as a series of cushions layered between 2 to 5 in number, supported in an aluminum perimeter extrusion, in turn supported by the main building frame. The ETFE cushions are kept continually pressurized by a small inflation unit, maintaining the pressure at 220 Pascal to give the foil structural stability and insulation. You can get the best-in-class ETFE cushions from Vector Foiltec under the brand name Texlon at Tuflite Polymers, their partners and the leading ETFE suppliers in India. Although these ETFE cushions are one of the most popularly used materials today, you need to know every possible information about this material before you plan to use it for your construction. Learn all aspects about this product – its qualities, practicalities, uses, benefits, etc. in the blog below.

What are the average dimensions of ETFE Foil Cushions?

ETFE Foil Cushions can be manufactured to any dimensions to fit a variety of applications in terms of shape and size. However, the average size of these cushions is 3m X 25 m for an efficient and economical system. Generally, the widths of these panels are up to 4m, while the lengths can be infinitely manufactured.

What is the average lifespan of ETFE?

ETFE has an average life expectancy of 30 years because of its resistance against atmospheric pollution, UV light, and other forms of environmental weathering. And, if you are lucky enough, you can have your ETFE sheets running well and looking good even after using them for three decades!

Can ETFE sheets be repaired?

In case the ETFE sheets need repairing, it can be done with minimum disruption by using an adhesive ETFE Foil Patch. And, if only a single cushion is damaged, it can be individually removed and replaced, without disturbing the rest of the roof.

How do ETFE sheets react to fire?

ETFE Foils have a very low flammability (270°C) and are self-extinguishing. This means that in case of fire, the heat can cause the foil to soften and shrink away from the source of fire to create natural ventilation, but no molten drips or fumes can be created. This implies that ETFE sheets do not support the spreading of flames any further.

How do ETFE sheets react to rain?

When rain falls on the ETFE sheets, it produces a disturbing drumming noise. However, an additional rain suppression layer can be added over the sheets by fixing it into the existing clamping system, which acts as a dampener and reduces the level of noise. But, you must bear in mind that this rain suppression layer also reduces the light levels passing through the sheet. And, because of the mesh like structure, the surface becomes textured, leading to creating places for dirt to accumulate, resulting in more cleaning maintenance requirements.

With so many advantages of ETFE Foil Cushions, you may be tempted to use them right away. But, there is one drawback with this sheet, and that arises in the event of a power failure. ETFE Foil Cushions require air inflation to maintain their shape and structural stability, which requires continuous pressure to be applied by a small air handling unit connected to the mains power. Now, in the event of a power failure, the ETFE Cushion will start to deflate and the membrane will be fogged and damaged. However, ETFE Cushions have the capability to withstand their shape for 3-6 hours before they start to deflate without pressure. So, if an alternative standby generator or a cable bracing system is installed to support the cushions in such a scenario, the roof can be prevented from damage.


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